This 2016 Cadillac Armored Escalade ESV,CEO was sold on 2022-10-18, below are similar vehicles that are still available.
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2016 Cadillac Armored Escalade ESV,CEO
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2016 Cadillac Armored Escalade ESV,CEO
Miles : 11000
Stock Number : 16JB
Armoring Specifications:
NI J111A armor steel with AR 500 hardness.
Transparent Armor Glass/Polycarbonate by Tier 1 Supplier:
• Front door glass installed with transparent armor (glass level NI J111A) OEM curved shape
• Rear door glass installed with transparent armor (glass level NI J111A ) OEM curved shape
• Windshield installed with transpa rent armor (glass level NI J111A ) OEM curved shape
• Rear quarter glass OEM with armored glass level NI J111A insert behind original glass, framed with steel plate to be installed
• Rear door kept original. I nsert level NI J111A in door (fixed) to be installed. Door to be professionally finished to match interior of vehicle
• All four (4) doors armored using ballistic NI J111A steel
• Door pillars (A, B, & C ) reinforced throughout with ballistic plate
• Door hinges reinforced fr om interior of door and frame of vehicle to reduce stress of weight added
• Driver and front passe nger door operational 4” to 6” or to maximum capacity
• Driver and passenger rear door operational 4” to 6” or to the maximum capacity